Planning travel budget in 3 minutes

We calculate the estimated budget of the trip, recommend places and help to save money.

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We are a community of people who love to travel and plan every trip

Did you know It takes most travellers at least 10 days to plan a trip budget?

Use HowMuchTravel to quickly help figure out your next travel destination based on your budget!


Save your time and money

Answer the questions about the upcoming trip and the application will calculate the estimated budget of your trip, make it possible to change and control it during the trip

No registrations and SMS

The request is completely anonymous, no registrations or SMS. Free for every user

3 minutes for answers and travel budget estimate

Questions and answers are arranged in the form of a chat bot to make interaction more familiar and faster

Get cashback to charity from bookings

By booking through applications or using a referral link from any device: flights, hotels, insurance, and you generate up to 10% cashback from the commission, which we send to charity


Add handy tools on the go

HowMuchTravel provides you great tools for your travels:

Places to visitmark the places you want to visit

Travel calculator calculate and control your budget and money spent

Currency conversion use a convenient currency converter

Download the app

Download HowMuchTravel on your phone or use chatbots in messengers


We are always in touch and are happy to answer all questions. Didn't find the answer? Write to

How do you calculate the data?

МWe have created a smart algorithm that works on artificial intelligence and BigData technologies. Based on your answers to questions in the bot, we request and receive up-to-date information from a large number of sources in real time, collect it into a formula, calculate and display information within a few seconds.

Can this data be trusted?

Oh sure. This data is up-to-date information from the sites and sources from which you and millions of other travelers take data and plan your trips.

Project news

We are the best b2c startup on Moscow Travel Hub

HowMuchTravel won the Moscow Travel Hub accelerator and became the best b2c startup ...

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100 women of Russian venture

The co-founder of HowMuchTravel entered the top 100 of the best women in Russia in the venture business ...

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HowMuchTravel - Skolkovo Alumni

Our project became a graduate of the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management. We entered the top 5 best ...

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Starta Accelerator: The Launch of Batch 11

The 11th Global Residency Track Program from Starta Accelerator has been launched in New York! HowMuchTravel in the list...

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HowMuchTravel conquers the world: Russian startup...

Russian travel startup HowMuchTravel entered the Starta Ventures accelerator with a valuation of $2 million...

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Map of the Russian TravelTech market

We have gathered more than 150 companies that are changing the tourism industry with the help of technology...

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